Sep 10, 2023Impact of Cost Increases on Business SurveyBUSINESS SURVEY The BC Chamber of Commerce is conducting a survey to gauge the Impact of Cost Increases on Business, and we would like to...
Jun 8, 2023Transportation SurveyPUBLIC SURVEY The City of Cranbrook has recently launched a public survey to better understand residents’ interest in a regional bus...
Jun 5, 2023Networking & Education SessionEVENT - June 20 The Chamber is hosting the last education and networking session before the summer break! Join us on June 20 at Charcoal...
Jun 2, 2023Addressing the Labour Market Gap Survey ResultsSURVEY RESULTS The Addressing the Labour Market Gap survey collected the views of 812 employers and 1,225 job seekers between February 7...
May 15, 2023Golf DayEVENT - May 29 The Chamber is having a FUNdraiser golf event at Purcell Golf on May 29. As part of Purcell Golf "Our Course, Your Cause";...