Is your business struggling to attract and retain workers? Or are you the one looking for a job?
BC is facing an acute labour shortage that challenges both employers and job seekers. The
Addressing the Labour Market Gap project will help us to better understand the disconnect
between employer and job seeker needs so that we can build solutions for a resilient labour
force. The project is led by the BC Chamber of Commerce and funded by the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction. Kimberley District Chamber of Commerce wants to hear from businesses and their employees in Kimberley.
We invite all employers to complete the survey: and share it
with their employees.
Your feedback will inform the development of appropriate solutions to improve and innovate
employment practices, as well as inform future program and public policy decisions in BC.
The survey deadline has been extended to March 3, 2023, at 5:00 p.m. PT.
All information about this project will be available on the BC Chamber of Commerce website found here:
